Adric White pulled out his revolver, broke into a Family Dollar, and demanded that the cashier give him all of the money.
When he took the staff hostage at gunpoint, White, 18, believed he knew what he was doing.
Acting like a pro, he gave them orders, made demands, and felt powerful when they were carried out. However, when a good Samaritan with a valid concealed-carry license pulled out their gun and confronted the young armed robber, the situation took a different turn.
The Good Samaritan urged White not to move and aimed his handgun at him when he arrived on the scene.
White, however, was not going to allow his fame to be taken from him that lightly. He turned to stare at the Good Samaritan rather than listen.
White took five bullets, which killed him and made it possible for others to bind him and remove his pistol from him because the robber had been told not to move by the man with the gun.

Despite surviving the shooting with five gunshot wounds, Adric White’s ego suffered the most. After receiving medical attention, he was accused of armed robbery.
His family lost it when they found out about what was going on; they couldn’t comprehend how the man with the concealed carry permit could have shot White and gotten away with it.
They wanted to know why he had not been taken into custody by the police.
The man shouldn’t have shot White, the family said. He ought to have just turned around and stayed out of the fray.
When the Good Samaritan felt frightened by White, he got involved and fired five rounds, even though it was obviously dangerous for him to pull his gun and participate in the crime in an attempt to stop it.

The Good Samaritan took the bullets because he believed White and his weapon threatened him. Additionally, it was considered acceptable for the bystander to try to rescue the lives of those in danger because White was pointing his gun at the staff and threatening to kill them if he did not acquire what he needed from the store.
White and his family have no solid evidence to support their claim.
The fact that White’s objectives were foiled and that he was not spared more than a few gunshot wounds simply annoyed them.
The location of the five shots that struck White has not been disclosed. His condition is stable, though, and a full recovery is anticipated.
The fact that he got away with it should make him happy. It is always risky to bring a gun into a store to commit an armed robbery.
He left the place with his life, even though he did not leave without any markings. We should be grateful for that.
Remaining anonymous is what the Good Samaritan has requested. We haven’t publicized his name since we respect that wish. However, he wanted to make it known that this is the first time he has ever had to use his concealed carry in this manner, and he regrets that it had to be bullets.