A first-time rehab experience can be intimidating.
Even if you want to quit an addiction, you may still be nervous about going to rehab because you don’t know what to expect.
Psychological well being was reported by majority as a reason for not seeking treatment or professional help.
Other reasons for not seeking treatment were lack of awareness about drug related complications, short term useful effects of drugs, fear of withdrawal symptoms and not being aware of treatment facilities.
That being said, some people are not aware that they need treatment.
When to Consider Rehab
Once you recognize that you have an actual addiction, you will probably try to avoid a rehab program. But the best way to actually help yourself is formal rehab program or a peer support group.
The story of a concerned family
A dad was very concerned that his son is going in a very dark place of no return. He was an addict.
One day he decided to take him to a rehab, but for whatever reason he was resisting to go.
Almost 2 years ago a father took this photo when he was driving his son to rehab in St Lawrence.

His son decided he didn’t want to go and took the father’s phone and called 911 and told them he was being kidnapped.
When the man got pulled over, his son got out of the vehicle and the state trooper had stood on the side of the road with his addict son for about an hour patiently convincing him to let him drive him to rehab.
The father was astounded at the Sheriff and Trooper’s dedication to the cause of addiction.
Officer’s successfully got the son in a vehicle without force and drove him to St Lawrence from Lowville about an hour and a half drive.
He literally walked in with him to the rehab. Here is a tribute to great, loving public servants that truly care. Big shout out to officer Mike Carpinelli!
Addiction is a very complex disease that greatly affects a person’s brain as well as their physical and emotional state.
For loved ones and friends of addicted individuals, the best thing to do is to keep educating themselves on the disease of addiction, the thought process of an addicted individual, and some treatment options.